

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Desain 6 Kota Masa Depan Skala Teknologi Canggih Spektakuler di Dunia

Free wi-fi di mana-mana, jalan-jalan yang didedikasikan untuk transportasi umum bebas-mengalir, mobil dilarang, dan tidak ada emisi limbah atau karbon - tapi sementara ini mungkin terdengar seperti terlalu mengada-kota masa depan, mereka sudah di sini.
Masdar kota, hanya beberapa mil dari Timur Tengah lokomotif ekonomi Abu Dhabi, akan beroperasi penuh pada tahun 2020 dan berencana untuk mendaur ulang sebagian besar airnya. Hal ini juga akan melarang mobil 'gas-menenggak', yang akan digantikan dengan sistem transportasi bawah tanah dioperasikan dengan baterai.
Bergerak ekologi serupa sedang terjadi di China, di mana Dezhou di bagian utara negara itu telah menciptakan 'lembah surya' dengan lampu jalan dan kolam renang dipanaskan oleh matahari dan 80 persen bangunan dengan pemanas air matahari.

The shard, london: london bridge tower - also known as the shard - is due to be completed in 2012. it will be the tallest building in europe, standing over 1,000 ft tall, and will include offices, flats, restaurants, and a hotel
Taichung, taiwan: helium-filled observation decks move up the outside of this tower. work is set to begin next year, and will feature solar power and rainwater recycling. it is planned to have house offices, restaurants, and a museum
Gleaming: Masdar City in Abu Dhabi
Concept capsule: the seascraper is designed to be anchored in strong currents to provide free energy
The gyre: this aquatic tower would float underwater skimming across the ocean and would be both a resort and a research station

Al khor stadium, qatar: for the 2022 world cup, the open-air stadia will have solar-powered air-conditioning, which aim to keep temperatures under 80 degreesThe Shard, London: London Bridge Tower Gleaming: masdar city in abu dhabi will be fully open in 2020. cars are banned and most of its water will be recycled
Al Khor stadium, Qatar
Sochi olylmpic stadium, russia: the sustainable stadium for the 2014 winter games is designed to evoke a shell, with walls and roof layered in a crystalline 'skin' that reflects sunlight and can be lit up at nightSochi Olylmpic Stadium, Russia
Paris, France
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